How to Make Smoothies without a Blender

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You already know you should be eating the rainbow.  I don’t need to tell you to do this – you clicked on this link for a reason.  And I am so glad you did!

Whether you are trying to boost your overall health, treat an underlying condition, or lose weight, eating more fruits and veggies will always be at the forefront of your plan. 

This post is obviously about smoothies, but if you are feeling lazy about not wanting to refine the perfect smoothie recipe or clean a blender, you came to the right place.

Here I will be talking about how much I love Evive. These are little iced cubes of pre-made smoothies you put into a glass with almond milk (my personal favorite, but any liquid will do) and stir/shake. That is legitimately the easiest breakfast where you don’t judge yourself for being lazy because you’re getting a ton of nutrients.

Why should you try Evive? Well smoothies should be a part of your rotation for a number of reasons.

First of all, fruits and vegetables help you prevent chronic illness (and treat current conditions), support a weight loss program, and make you feel all around amazing. 

With a variety of phytochemicals giving those babies their colors, consuming them provides you with a myriad of benefits:

  • Detoxifies your liver

  • Strengthens your heart

  • Lowers your cholesterol

  • Fights infection (i.e. kick that winter cold to the curb)

  • Brightens your skin

  • Brightens your mood

  • Fills you up with low calories

The beauty here is that by focusing on the good things you should be eating, you have less room (literally and figuratively) for the things that won’t benefit your body. 

If you have read my story, you know that I used food as medicine while recovering from a hospital stay in late 2020.  Armed with essentially no guidance from my doctors after they told me I would not leave the ER alive, I did.  And I knew I had work to do to rebuild my body.  I turned to my background in sports and teaching fitness programs for the simplest ways to recover with basic nutrition.  Those principles have me at the healthiest I have ever been.  At 40 years old. 

A very easy way to get all that gorgeous produce into your system is smoothies!  They really are just a simple, undeniably easy way to up your plant consumption. 

They particularly provide a nice boost when rounded out with healthy meals. 

This provides a solid nutritional basis to fuel your workouts and make your pants too loose. 

The benefits of smoothies are many:

1.       Easy to prep.  Sometimes you don’t even need a blender!

2.       Delicious.  Wheat grass shots and raw egg concoctions went the way of Jane Fonda’s leotards and Rocky.

3.       Filling.  The amount of fiber, water, and protein in them means you won’t have a rumbling tummy.

4.       Chock full of nutrients.  Not only is getting a lot of fruits and vegetables important, but it is also important to eat the spectrum of colors to get a wide variety of nutrients. Smoothies allow you to combine multiple colors into one meal and overload your body with the good stuff it needs.

5.       Able to disguise unappealing vegetables ninja-style.  I do not love kale on its own because of its texture, not its taste.  (It is growing on me, but it is a huge pain to massage it to make it into a palatable salad.)  However kale is amazing in a smoothie because you taste the strawberries or mango or whatever other loveliness you include.

Here’s the thing though.

I know that you, like me, already know all these benefits.

The problem is that it is almost impossible to come up with a good combination of fruits and vegetables to maximize nutrients without feeling like you’re eating lawn in a bowl.

It’s okay - I’ve got you. I’ve been there.

While I like to think I am a good cook (I’m Italian, after all!), I am NOT good at coming up with good smoothie combinations. I judged myself for awhile and spent almost a year trying to refine a few recipes every morning to take to work, only to have most of it end up in the garbage can at my desk.

FINALLY I FOUND A SOLUTION. Evive offers premade smoothies in ice cube form. You don’t even need a blender.

Yes that is correct. They send you a cute little wheel of iced cubes of premixed smoothies that you put in a mug with water or milk. That’s all you have to do.

They’ve done all the hard stuff - picking the perfect mix of ingredients and blending it up - all you have to do is stir/shake once the cubes melt.

You really cannot get an easier healthy breakfast on a busy morning, and you can feel better knowing you are getting a solid hit of nutrients! Plus you don’t have to clean the blades of your blender, and Evive has a long menu of delicious options!

If you need a jump start to your weight loss, or if you are trying to give a big boost to your body, you can give Evive a try for $4.50 per smoothie! Maybe you feel yourself coming down with a cold, maybe you are trying to kick covid, or maybe you’re recovering from surgery or an extended illness. Or maybe you want to lose weight. Regardless of your goal, this is a healthy way to treat your body to what it needs.

The science behind it is simple and sound - you flood your body with nutrients from smoothies and whole food snacks. We can all benefit from a smoothie detox, even if we are not trying to lose weight.

Spoiler alert, eating according to this program means you WILL lose weight though. An added benefit of improved energy, better sleep, a liver more effective at burning fat, and glowy skin is pants that are too loose.

I want this for you too! You have nothing to lose trying it for yourself!

Click here to try the world's easiest smoothies starting at $4.50 per meal - no measurement, blending, or preparation required!!

If smoothies aren’t up your alley, I would love to share my easy, produce-based recipes to fuel your entire week, which is all-in 2 hours of work on a weekend (or weeknight when you cue up the iPad to the new Tiger King) – click here to receive a shopping list and step-by-step instructions to the easiest week of produce-based meals you can find. 


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