Stay Healthy While Traveling - Holiday Edition

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It’s the holidays again!  Unless you’re lucky (or not, depending upon how you look at it!), you do not live near all your family, so you will be traveling for holiday celebrations.  But just because you have a change in surroundings and routine doesn’t mean you cannot keep up your healthy habits!

You can stay healthy, fit, and happy even when traveling for the holidays, and here I’ll tell you how.

Specifically, I will give tips on how to eat healthy, stay active, and get lots of sleep. 

Please understand that this is not geared toward weight loss or creating new healthy habits!  Rather, you are going to maintain the good habits you have at home in a new environment where your routine is removed, so it is a little more challenging. 

With proper preparation and a mindset that isn’t defeatist, here are my top tips for staying healthy while traveling for the holidays!

To Keep Your Body Nourished:

Remember, if you load up on the good stuff, there’s less room for the not-so-good stuff.  That means you’ll want the gingerbread cookie because you want it, not because you’re hungry.  That also means you’ll really enjoy these indulgences!

1. Pack healthy snacks. 

You are on vacation, so you shouldn’t be packing all your meals, of course!  However, being prepared with some essentials will allow you to stay full and get your nutrients so you will be less tempted by a bowl of candy or cookies left out (because those aren’t going to fill you up either, and you know that).  I like to focus on produce and protein in my daily life, so that applies here as well.   

And finding suitcase-friendly options here is easy!  My favorites? 

Quest protein bars.  They have an ever-growing variety of flavors, and they actually taste good.  Even better, they each have 20 – 21 grams of clean protein (i.e. they don’t have as much sugar as a candy bar like many other protein bars).  My brother, who is an elite runner, introduced these to me.  And for someone who utilizes food truly as fuel, if they’re good enough for him, they’re good enough for me! 

That’s It bars.  These are just fruit.  That’s all.  No added sugar or junky stuff.  And they taste really good! 

Actual fruit.  Depending upon how much room you have in your suitcase, bring a couple of oranges, apples, bananas, or frozen grapes.   

Collagen powder.  This is my daily morning coffee addition.  Collagen is an amino acid critical to skin health (i.e. anti-aging), joint health, and muscle growth.  In other words, it’s the ultimate protein powder.  Add it to coffee, oatmeal, yogurt…anything really!   

2. Get produce and protein at each meal. 

The holidays aren’t about having a strict diet, but if you aim to get as many fruits and veggies into your day along with some solid protein, you’ll be fueling your body and leaving less room to eat crap that you don’t really even want.   

Pick shrimp cocktail and crudites at a holiday party before going after the truffles, for example. 

3. Speaking of which, at breakfast in particular get protein. 

They have done countless studies that show that adding in protein early in the day is more effective for keeping a healthy body composition than loading up at dinner.  If you find yourself falling short, remember that you packed that collagen powder - add it to your morning coffee! 

Another option?  Leftover turkey.  Who says you need to eat breakfast food in the morning?? 

4. Stay hydrated. 

Especially since a lot of treats this time of year are heavy on sodium, counteract that by drinking extra water.  (Even more so if you are drinking alcohol.)  Packing a water bottle always helps me! 

5. Limit alcohol.   

And speaking of hydration, try to limit your drinking to 1-2 nights per week.  Every time you drink, it takes 36 hours for your liver to start burning fat since it’s busy removing the poison from your body.

 Don’t want to be the only one not drinking?  These days there are a ton of non-alcoholic options that actually taste good…plus, they come in pretty packaging that looks like the real thing.  No one will even know you’re drinking faux champagne! 

To Stay Active:

You’re not training for a marathon here (or if you are, good for you!!).  What you’ll be trying to do is maintain your fitness level and keep generally active.

1. Walk the dog instead of just letting him out in the backyard. 

Even just one loop around the block after dinner has a positive effect on your blood sugar and digestion.  Plus the extra steps add up! 

2. No equipment body weight exercise. 

Do a circuit of squats, lunges, pushups, and an ab workout.  Or try barre for the first time!  Either option requires no equipment and minimal room – perfect for a hotel or guest room!   

Another great option is my 30 Day Plank Challenge!  Why not go into the new year with a stronger core for only a few minutes per day? 


3. Try a new class at a local studio. 

Check local studios for yoga, barre, boxing, whatever classes.  This could be a fun time to try something new, and it will be even better with your sister-in-law!

4. Family walk. 

If it’s not too cold (I lived in Chicago for 14 years, so I get that sometimes this is simply not an option), take a morning, afternoon, or evening walk around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights!

To Keep a Decent Sleep Schedule:

Far too often we focus on nutrition and fitness as the biggest drivers of good health and overlook sleep.  But sleep is a big part of the three-legged stool!  Plus it keeps you mentally healthier too. 

Side note, if you are staying in a hotel, read more about my tips for getting your best night’s sleep in a hotel here. 

1. Melatonin. 

This is a no brainer for me.  Whether on a plane, in a hotel room, or in my childhood bedroom, this natural supplement always works.  Your body makes melatonin naturally, but changes in time zones or routine can throw off your circadian rhythm, decreasing production and making it harder to fall asleep. 

2. Eye mask and ear plugs. 

I always talk about how great these are for helping you sleep on planes, but the same thing goes for hotels or family’s guest rooms.  Because if you do want to turn in a little early and not be kept awake by reveling friends and family members, these will let you block out the noise (and the light in case there is a skylight or no blackout shades). 

3. Lavender oil. 

A little dab on a cotton ball in your pillow or a few drops added to your body lotion, the scent of lavender has been shown to help people fall asleep more easily.   

4. Wake up earlier. 

This can be easier if you’re in a house filled with early risers, but if you aren’t, relish this quiet time alone with a cup of coffee.  Waking up a little earlier (I’m not suggesting 5:00!) will allow you to get morning sunshine, which helps keep your circadian rhythm on a proper cycle.  In other words, this will make it easier to fall asleep tonight.

Also, you can be more productive and efficient in the morning.  It’s the perfect way to set up the day for healthy choices! 

With some simple tweaks to your routine, you can keep your regular healthy habits even while traveling over the holidays! 

Remember three simple things:

1.       Get your produce and protein.

2.       Get moving whenever possible.

3.       Get a solid night’s sleep. 

Happy (healthy) holidays!


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